How is the bacteria from impetigo on surfaces killed ? - impetigo on surfaces
I work in cleaning developemental center for children. There were 3 cases of impetigo in the last 2 weeks. as a housekeeper, how can we stop / kill the bacteria that is found on all surfaces of the hit children?
Impetigo On Surfaces How Is The Bacteria From Impetigo On Surfaces Killed ?
6:58 PM
Wipe down all hard surfaces with a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water .... is incredibly effective. Wash all the fabric in hot water and dry at the higher temperature. If areas are removable carpet, clean take. If they do that, you need someone to come clean and steam the rugs. I pray to God, the head of the nursery is not so that these children go to kindergarten, while they impetigo .. This is freaking Large ... the children should stay home until they improve and stop the spread of germs in your unpleasant.
10% bleach and water mixture to kill everything
Determined legal Clorox wipes or detergent. Do not think you should use something much harder than the last.
Own, as if E. coli and think it would be sufficient.
Assigning an article about bacteria in the house for help.
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