Rare Torture Pics What In Your Opinion Is The Source For Nostalgic Hallucination?

What in your opinion is the source for nostalgic hallucination? - rare torture pics

Some people have a view that the past was a bit better. Especially if all the current data suggest the opposite! What Massenhalluzination for example? Why can not people understand that nostalgia a landscape that is in reality the desire for a kind of idealized past?
In the Renaissance, people were still enslaved and tortured. In ancient Greece, people were starving, enslaved and suffering of war and the terrible disease ... etc! Accept that there are rare exceptions, but that's it ...!


☺☻☺☻☺☻ said...

Some people think it is better because they were younger, I suppose. We live in a society that has no respect for the elderly. (However, its funny when you think about what the generation that has begun in which the old man, haha)

imbob78 said...

UMM, people everywhere are starving in the world, enslaved, etc. To answer your question, but are people who are fascinated by a glorious past, which can be studied. There is no way to know what's happening in the future, then we must look to the past. And what we experience is directly related to something that's happened in the past in context.

Kimberlee Ann said...

That does not bother me to live in simpler times, without cell phones, iPods, computers, televisions, and the rest of the razz-a madazz. Certainly, it was a difficult time of life in ancient Rome, Greece or Turkey, China and Japan .... But the simplicity of their social skills are much more real and a fine. People need people. People really need. Life was short, but with greater quality of social consciousness.

Krystal said...

Llok The grass is always greener on the other side. Here & Now .. reallity difficult. :)

King Landon said...

This is the glamor of Hollywood, some historians have called in the past. For example, instead of "life would be in the western United States" "in the Wild Wild West Live." To understand Catch me?

RU4REAL said...

All listening to the radio station "Classic Rock" plays a two-to-Monday "block" the Grateful Dead ... "

(and deep, unexplored corners of the glove box ... there are old scores to forget ...)

skincanc... said...

Good memories last longer, so bad, except the bad guys are really terrible - that is the past, takes a golden color

S i r i said...

Fungi nostalgic?

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