Rental Body Doujins Had Accident Driving Enterprise Rental.Car Being Repaired In Body Shop.Do I Ve To Pay Rent Till It Is Repaired

Had accident driving Enterprise rental.Car being repaired in body shop.Do I ve to pay rent till it is repaired - rental body doujins

Repairs will be paid by my insurance - Geico. Do I have the rent fee, while the car will be repaired on the spot business. Rental Company.


bundysmo... said...

Technically, yes .... ERAC is the loss of use. Sales will be lost for the car and you owe on it. But with all things in life ... negotiable.

Peedlepu... said...

"Bundysmom is correct. The company loses the use of the car during the repair, and may responsible for the cost of the loss.

CA-Agent said...

In most cases you must pay the prices of car rental for the time it takes to repair the car. Unless you have insurance, which has been offered, purchased from the rental of the car.

CA-Agent said...

In most cases you must pay the prices of car rental for the time it takes to repair the car. Unless you have insurance, which has been offered, purchased from the rental of the car.

CA-Agent said...

In most cases you must pay the prices of car rental for the time it takes to repair the car. Unless you have insurance, which has been offered, purchased from the rental of the car.

S17V said...

You have to pay the car, until you return the vehicle, so if you have an accident, and took the car and give your car will not be replaced, then it should not for the rest of the day, while in the store . If there an alternative location, then I would pay the remaining rent.

If they try, it's free - you have no legal obligation to pay - because he took the car, and offer no compensation. One could certainly fight - but I doubt he would do this work.

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