How do I clean my earrings? - garnet earrings
My ears are pierced with nails Maroon 5 weeks ago. I predict change in a few weeks and clean, but, well, it is supported by 2 months of dry dirt on the steep and ... How do I get it? I cleaned my position last night and clean them very well by simple immersion in the solution of the piercing place gave me, but that others will not work. Earrings Garnet is the positions of gold, so there is a large quantity of scrap down among the rocks and contributions.
Garnet Earrings How Do I Clean My Earrings?
5:43 AM
Tip: Washing the slopes with an old toothbrush to remove dirt. Are then dipped into a solution of the cleaning of jewelry or soap and water. Your earrings should be a new shiny! Good luck!
Using fairy liquid, brush them with an old toothbrush ...
Using fairy liquid, brush them with an old toothbrush ...
soaked in alcohol
Peroxide or isopropanol
Overnight soaked in alcohol.
The housing can with a little cleaning and a soft toothbrush to clean,
I have myself in hot water for a few minutes to soak, then rub gently with a toothbrush and alcohol to remove
Jewelry cleaner or with a soft brush
As has been said peroxside or alcohol. I would add, how long you soak in water. I know not interfere with how the solutions of the stone or metal. I do not want to stand over night, just in case.
As has been said peroxside or alcohol. I would add, how long you soak in water. I know not interfere with how the solutions of the stone or metal. I do not want to stand over night, just in case.
As has been said peroxside or alcohol. I would add, how long you soak in water. I know not interfere with how the solutions of the stone or metal. I do not want to stand over night, just in case.
soaked in the solution and use a brush .. Go ..
Claire, a specific solution, not the exception only sell, but the real ears. This is good if you put in the view! =)
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