Carbon Poker Can Someone Transfer Real Money Funds Into My Carbon Poker Account Please?

Can someone transfer real money funds into my Carbon Poker account please? - carbon poker

Some people have a lot and all I want is $ 5.


LegFuJoh... said...

However, begging. You have your user ID.

Rudy P said...

There are many places that offer free money poker sites are different if you look around.

Otherwise, like the poster, at least you have your user name.

So why not give something back, instead of begging?

Julie C said...

If you ask for money ... at least give your PIN, so if someone could be generous enough to transfer immediately .. Right?

But when you join
be a good amount to any game site that is;)

maruxz said...

I'll give you $ 25 at Party Poker. Join
(You Make sure that) you gain in special PokerNews Freeroll on a trip to Australia.

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